Hari : Sabtu
Tanggal : 21 Maret 2020
Pukul : 10.00 WIB
Narasumber : Yulingga Nanda Hanief, M. Pd.
Editor in Chief Jurnal Sportif, Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
Ketua Pengurus RJI Jawa Timur
Moderator : Zulidyana D. Rusnalasari, M. Hum
Humas RJI Pusat
Link : https://zoom.us/j/2778843500
Meeting ID : 227 - 884 - 3500
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Belajar OJS Seri 8 : Indeksasi Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
Re: Belajar OJS Seri 8 : Indeksasi Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
Yth. Bapak dan ibu Pengelola Jurnal
Berikut ini adalah Update 2021 atau Info Terkini Cara mudah Submit Jurnal ke Clarivate Web of Science: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Maycjw2HFY4 atau ke link URL ini:
https://www.jihadisjurnal.com/2021/09/l ... e-wos.html
Berikut ini adalah Update 2021 atau Info Terkini Cara mudah Submit Jurnal ke Clarivate Web of Science: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Maycjw2HFY4 atau ke link URL ini:
https://www.jihadisjurnal.com/2021/09/l ... e-wos.html
Faizal Risdianto,S.S,M.Hum
Mobile: 0856-4201-9501
E-mail: risdiantofaizal@gmail.com
Mobile: 0856-4201-9501
E-mail: risdiantofaizal@gmail.com
Re: Belajar OJS Seri 8 : Indeksasi Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
We have completed our evaluation and are writing to inform you that we cannot accept ******* for coverage in the Web of Science Core Collection at this time.
The journal did not meet the following requirement(s) at the Editorial Triage step:
> Timeliness and/or Publication Volume: The journal must conform to the stated schedule. The volume of scholarly works published annually is expected to be within ranges appropriate to the subject area.
> Website Functionality/Journal Format: Website information must be accurate, architecture and navigation must ensure easy access to the published content and all other features defining the journal.
> Presence of Ethics Statement: The journal must be transparent about their ethical requirements for authors and published works.
Presence of Ethics Statements: We acknowledge that there are ethics guidelines present on the journal webpage however, research ethics policies for studies involving the participation of human subjects (e.g., consent, participant anonymity, etc.) are also expected to be present on the journal website. For example, https://tinyurl.com/absenceofresearchconsent
We observed that several sections from the ethics statements present in web journal's Publication-Ethics have significant overlap to those from different publishers (i.e., Elsevier https://www.elsevier.com/about/policies ... ing-ethics). Ethical guidelines should be owned by the journal/publisher in question (i.e., developed in-house) to demonstrate an understanding and ownership by the journal of its policies and processes. Where necessary and appropriate, reference should be made to recommendations outlined by organizations such as COPE, WAME, etc., whose guidelines are designed to be used broadly.
Publication Volume: We have noticed that the publication volume is not in line with similar journals covering this subject area.
Website Functionality: We were unable to locate the link to the publisher’s webpage on the journal’s website. The journal website must clearly link to the publisher website and vice versa.
The journal did not meet the following requirement(s) at the Editorial Triage step:
> Timeliness and/or Publication Volume: The journal must conform to the stated schedule. The volume of scholarly works published annually is expected to be within ranges appropriate to the subject area.
> Website Functionality/Journal Format: Website information must be accurate, architecture and navigation must ensure easy access to the published content and all other features defining the journal.
> Presence of Ethics Statement: The journal must be transparent about their ethical requirements for authors and published works.
Presence of Ethics Statements: We acknowledge that there are ethics guidelines present on the journal webpage however, research ethics policies for studies involving the participation of human subjects (e.g., consent, participant anonymity, etc.) are also expected to be present on the journal website. For example, https://tinyurl.com/absenceofresearchconsent
We observed that several sections from the ethics statements present in web journal's Publication-Ethics have significant overlap to those from different publishers (i.e., Elsevier https://www.elsevier.com/about/policies ... ing-ethics). Ethical guidelines should be owned by the journal/publisher in question (i.e., developed in-house) to demonstrate an understanding and ownership by the journal of its policies and processes. Where necessary and appropriate, reference should be made to recommendations outlined by organizations such as COPE, WAME, etc., whose guidelines are designed to be used broadly.
Publication Volume: We have noticed that the publication volume is not in line with similar journals covering this subject area.
Website Functionality: We were unable to locate the link to the publisher’s webpage on the journal’s website. The journal website must clearly link to the publisher website and vice versa.
Faizal Risdianto,S.S,M.Hum
Mobile: 0856-4201-9501
E-mail: risdiantofaizal@gmail.com
Mobile: 0856-4201-9501
E-mail: risdiantofaizal@gmail.com